Sunday, May 16, 2010

Not a Good Day for Diets

So after being up waaaaaaaaayyyyy too late last night I slept in too late this morning. I wanted to be up early because my mom and I were supposed to go to La Porte to go to church. But We made it out that way anyways. Today was my grandma's birthday, so we spent the day with the fam and celebrated at Olive Garden. Oh yeah, my mom baked a cake too. So today was the worst day for an alteration. Good news is, tomorrow's Monday and the start of a new week; so I can start fresh for the week.

This week, I want to focus on my photography. I need to send an email to that couple and get my pictures together like yesterday. I spend so much time obsessing with editing them that I can spend an hour or more on one stinkin' picture. I want to get a good sampling of about 50 pictures or so on flickr. I'm hoping to be done with that by tomorrow mid-morning.

After working on pictures, I need to work on getting a job ASAP. If I'm not working, I'll probably head to Katy Mills to go to the picture studio where I applied and maybe talk to the manager. If that doesn't work out, I'm going to go to Lane Bryant :(. I need a job very, very soon because my dad is threatening me with no cell phone and some other stuff that I can't remember. Plus, I want to buy a new camera. Plus, I'll be more broke than I am right now next semester, and I'm going to need to save money. In a perfect world though, I'll be out of the units' house in January and working somewhere full-time. Also in a perfect world, I'd have a car by Valentine's Day, a DSLR by my birthday, and a cute tankini by May :)… too bad the world's not perfect.

**UPDATE**  I've discovered that last night's Shrimp Carpese is considered the worst "healthy" Italian food.

Olive Garden Grilled Shrimp Caprese

900 calories
41 g fat (17 g saturated)
3,490 mg sodium
Grilled shrimp on its own makes for one of the healthiest sources of protein on the planet, but when corrupted by the imaginations of the corporate cooks at Olive Garden, the result is considerably bleaker. The melted mozzarella and the garlic butter sauce are to blame for the high sodium numbers (there’s as much salt in this dish as in 20 individual canisters of Pringles Originals). Stick with the sea, but choose grilled salmon, instead of a platter that’s soaked in salty sauce.
YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!  Good thing I only ate about 1/2 of the stuff.  I soooo need to get the "Eat This Not That" books.  Oh my, I need to do some serious working out today.  

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