Thursday, July 26, 2012

I'm glad she is proud

     Yesterday, I went to the doctor to discuss how my medicine is working out.  Also, how other things are going.  The good news is, my medicine is working (as always) and she's happy I've lost weight since the last time I was in.  5 pounds to be exact.
     The truth is, since graduating from college, my weight has fluctuated so much that 5 pounds isn't really that big of a deal. However, I've set a goal for myself.  After talking to my doctor yesterday, she thinks 60 pounds in a year is a great goal.  She thinks it's reachable and very probable.  Which makes me happy.  Which means I'd weigh about as much as I did when I graduated high school and the healthiest I've been probably in over 10 years. This makes me incredibly happy.
     I've also decided I am getting my prom dress from my parents' house to hang here.  I need a visual reminder.  My dress will give me that reminder.  I am also going to print post my goals for next year.  This way, these goals are REAL.  Just hanging out here on my blog, they're just things I wrote.  But, by printing them off, I can see them, feel them, and be reminded of them every day.  I think they're all actually pretty good goals.  I want to keep them in mind so that it's easier to stay on track.
     On another note, things are starting to pick up for me on the job front.  I am working at Kids R Kids right now, teaching pre-kindergarten.  Actually, it's more like guiding pre-kindergarten.  It's good for getting experience; but mostly just frustration.  When I worked at Primrose, the people I worked with weren't exactly professional.  Here, they're more professional; but not exactly meeting what I hoped for.  In the beginning, things were ok, but it's steadily gone down hill. I guess I should realize that when I work at places like these, my standards should be lower.  They're mostly about having a body in a room.  On to the good news... I was offered a long-term sub position at a school  I love for a 1st grade teacher.  She'll be on maternity leave for 12 weeks from the 1st day of school until November.  I also have an interview for a 3rd grade position in Louisiana.  I applied a long time ago for the position but it was closed.  So, there's that... I hope and pray things are looking up. I just have to keep on track with everything--the job and the losing weight thing. 

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